Bringen Sie Ihre implantologisch-augmentativen Fähigkeiten auf das nächste Level.


Welcome to our new hybrid education system. Online meets Offline in our new Masterclasses. Your ticket to our exclusive community of Next Generation Real Bone Builders.


Take your implant-augmentive skills to the next level with our upcoming Implantology Courses
courses and events.


Die Instrumente in unserem wachsenden Portfolio sind maßgeschneidert auf Ihre Bedürfnisse im Bereich der implantologisch-augmentativen Chirurgie.

Das sagen Kollegen über unsere Biological Bone Augmentation (BBA) Kurse

I knew this technique before, from books and articles and now i can actually do the tricks which will help me in my daily practice.

Dr. Anna Walter

Just to get from the curricula part to the hands on and to see exactly the surgical procedure - that was fantastic!

Dr. Savu Razvan

I recommend this course for any surgeon who would like to upgrade his level of surgery.

Prof. Dr. Abdelsamad Tarek